Bookhead Club


Get every edition with the Bookhead club.
Now taking edition 4 orders.

Limited-Time Gift!

All subscribers also get a mini 2"x3" 32-page notebook with edition 4 (Puerto Plata). Free, as a thank you for being a subscribers. Supplies are limited, so join the Bookhead Club now before they're gone.

About Hebrew Type Books

Hebrew Type Books are hand made from scratch; printed, cut, sewn, bound, packaged, and shipped by me.

With a double-cloth cover and a durable hand-sewn binding, these books will last a long, long time. See previous editions of Hebrew Type books

How They're Made

How does the Bookhead Club work?

All of the new Hebrew Type books I create will become part of the Bookhead Club. Each edition will explore a variation of materials and colors to create a unique handmade notebook. Bookhead subscribers will get their books delivered first, and a few remaining ones will be made available for general sale.

What's the delivery schedule like?

My aim is to complete a new edition and ship it at the beginning of every other month. I'm a one-man operation, and if this grows exponentially, it may become a quarterly release. Regardless of the frequency, your subscription will get you all the editions you paid for.

How many editions will I get?

You'll get six Bookhead editions, at 15% savings off the full price.

What is the cost of shipping?

U.S. subscribers can either pick up for free in NYC, or get USPS First Class delivery for $5. That's $5 for your whole subscription, so shipping is less than a dollar per edition.

International subscribers can get a no-tracking stamp-only mailing for $15 ($2.5 per edition), or trackable shipments via USPS First Class International for $80 ($13.3 per edition).

Do I need to join to get every Bookhead edition?

No. A few extras of each edition will be sold individually. But take note: they have a tendency to sell out quickly.